Sustainability Stance


FRIENDS Charities is committed to furthering education and employment opportunities in renewable energy and carbon-negative technologies. Our endeavor to support STEM students begins with an evaluation of each student’s ideal career goals. In the two years of scholarship distribution, we have noticed a remarkable number of applicants interested in these areas. From nuclear power to bamboo housing construction, we are astonished at the creativity and ambition seen in our applicants.

In our own backyards, the Friends are all encouraging policies that promote environmental sustainability. These include work-from-home (negating car travel), supporting public transportation expansion across Allegheny county, and the increased urbanization and revitalization of the Pittsburgh area.


FRIENDS Charities believes in sustainability through social practices. Our board largely meets virtually each week, eliminating emissions from commute times. We also treat our members fairly by encouraging them to prioritize their personal lives first. These are ideals we wish to impart on our scholarship recipients as well during their mentoring sessions. We are confident that these people will advance to positions of authority in their careers, and they will be responsible for imparting sustainability visions to their own teams.


It is easy to say a non-profit is economically sustainable as we are not obligated to maximize profits for shareholder value, but we want to further expand on this idea by guaranteeing readers that FRIENDS Charities will place environmental and social sustainability above any such desire for economic gains. This is proven by our A+ grade distribution of revenue between operating costs and scholarship funding, as well as our refusal to draw a salary from our non-profit work.